Richard A. DeFusco
Department Chair and Professor of Finance Finance University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
HLH 425Z
Lincoln NE 68588-0490 - Phone
Dr. Richard DeFusco earned his Ph.D. in finance from the University of Tennessee, and his MBA from the University of Rhode Island, where he also received his undergraduate degree in management science. He was awarded the Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA) designation in 1999. Since joining CBA in 1985, his teaching and research interests include security analysis, corporate finance and investments. He has served on the Nebraska Investment Council for 18 years.
DeFusco is co-author of Quantitative Investment Analysis, 4th edition (John Wiley & Sons), and some of his publications have appeared in the Journal of Finance, Financial Management, The Financial Review, and Industrial and Labor Relations Review.
BS 1977 and MBA 1979 (both from University of Rhode Island)
Ph.D. 1985 (University of Tennessee-Knoxville)