About the Center for Sales Excellence

Sales Excellence Role Play


The mission of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Center for Sales Excellence is to shape the future of personal selling and sales management by providing advanced instruction to students, creating mutually beneficial relationships with the business community, and generating high-caliber sales research for academic advancement.


To be a transformational center for advancing professional sales through education, practice and research.

Strategic Goals

Our strategic goals are housed within the three elements of our mission: education, business partnerships and research.


  • Provide rigorous and relevant sales education to undergraduate students, graduate students and working professionals.
  • Integrate the classroom with the real world through applied sales classes.
  • Connect with alumni and local business professionals to create mentoring and coaching opportunities for students.
  • Provide students with a network of sales professionals for professional and personal advancement.

Business Partnerships

  • Partner with local, regional and national companies that are interested in hiring trained sales graduates.
  • Use partnerships to obtain financial support.
  • Collaborate with companies to obtain data and research resources.
  • Incorporate practitioner guidance through the Sales Advisory Board.


  • Conduct research that has academic rigor and practical implications.
  • Create a presence in the top academic journals.