Business in Action Job Shadow Program

Business in Action

Business in Action Job Shadow Program

Explore Career Paths and Industries 1:1 With An Employer

Business students in their first year to junior years can explore career paths and industries through one-on-one interactions with an employer through the Business in Action Job Shadow Program.

View Job Shadow Opportunities Employer Participation Information

Student Participation Information

You can apply to participate in this program throughout the academic year. After your application is received, we’ll be in touch with information about your matched employer and when you must complete your job shadow with them. We'll also send you some tips about how to get the most out of the experience. Following your day at the host employer, you'll complete a brief evaluation of the program and your host. You can participate in multiple job shadow experiences.

Spring 2024 Application Available March 1 - April 15

Apply Now

Job Shadow Opportunities


Overview of Experience: Shadow daily commitment planning meeting
Observation of daily work & candidate interviews
Lunch off-site
Meet & greet with current employees & potential candidates for open jobs

Length: 4 hours

Location: Lincoln, NE

Recommended Majors: Business Administration, Finance, Management, Marketing

Details: Business Casual Dress

Baxter Auto Group

Overview of Experience: Observing of daily duties, tour of organization, and attendance of any interviews or meetings going on that day. Can possibly shadow General Manager, Sales Director, and/or Office Manager.

Length: 2-4 hours

Location: Omaha, NE

Recommended Majors: Accounting, Business Administration, Finance, Management

Bosselman Enterprises
Bosselman Enterprises

Overview of Experience: Spend a day shadowing the COO

Length: -

Recommended Majors: Accounting, Business Administration, Business and Law, Economics, Finance, International Business, Management, Marketing, Supply Chain Management

Location: Grand Island, NE

Crete Carier | Shaffer Trucking
Crete Carrier

Overview of Experience: This would include observation of daily work, tour of the organization, follow up informational meeting/interview.

Length: 3 hour

Recommended Majors: Supply Chain Management

Location: Lincoln, NE

Applications Accepted Now

The application includes the following components:


Your top job shadow employer choices from the above list


Your availability



A 250-word essay describing what you hope to gain by participating (This will help us match you for the best experience.)


Affirming your full participation with timely job shadow completion and evaluation

Apply Now

Apply by April 15

Employer Participation Information

Employers submit a job shadow description in order to participate. The description will include:

• Overview of the planned experience
• Activities can include observation of daily work, informational interviews, meetings within the organization, coffee/lunch at the office or worksite, a tour of the organization, hands-on experience and meet-and-greets with current interns and/or college hires
• Contact name, email and phone
• Length of planned experience (minimum of 2 hours, maximum of 8 hours)
• Preferred majors
• Any site restrictions/policies: security, attire, photos allowed, parking, days or timing of experience
• Maximum number of individual job shadow matches allowed

The Business Career Center will make the “match” and inform both the employer and student of next steps, including the deadline for the job shadow to occur. The employer and student will determine the date and time of the job shadow. Employers will receive contact information for all students who applied for the job shadow program, regardless of the match. Following the job shadow, employers will be asked to complete a brief evaluation of the job shadow program and their student participants. Employers will be allowed to offer multiple job shadow experiences but are not guaranteed that all experiences will be matched to students.

Submit Your Job Shadow Description

Submit by February 29 for priority, but later entries will be considered.

Hawks Hall


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