Begin Business Now

At Nebraska, you don’t have to wait to take courses relevant to your future. We’re unique among other Big Ten schools in the fact that once you are enrolled, you can start taking business classes immediately. Here, you’ll leverage your strengths and forge your own path through coursework and involvement to a rewarding career. You can take advantage of all that our Big Ten business school offers – from interactive classes taught by faculty who are devoted to your success to distinctive programs enabling you to pursue your passions and collaborate with students and faculty alike.

Students in the computer lab

Lay a Solid Foundation for Your Career

Through your coursework, you'll prepare for a career by exploring concepts that shape the landscape of business. Customize your degree by pursuing your passions and collaborating with students and faculty.

Tutoring Boosts McCann's Collegiate and Professional Career

For Megan McCann, math always came naturally and working as a tutor at the College of Business gave her the skills to become a champion. Teaching others helped her develop a new perspective that led her to first place in the statistical analysis competition at the Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) National Leadership Online Experience. The academic success helped her launch her career as an actuarial assistant at a Fortune 500 company.

Megan McCann, ’20