
The mission of the Academy is to transform high-ability students with leadership potential into the business leaders of tomorrow by innovatively developing critical thinking, problem solving, technical knowledge, leadership and communication skills and connecting Academy students with leading employers.

The Academy strives to enhance the national visibility and reputation of the College of Business by attracting the best students, equipping those students to successfully compete for jobs with top companies, and strengthening ties with employers and successful alumni.

Learning Outcomes

Before developing the Academy curriculum, we talked with successful businessmen and women and examined honors programs offered by other colleges and universities. Based on this information, we identified key learning outcomes essential to success as a business leader, and built the Academy curriculum around these learning outcomes. The Academy experience will help students:

  • Develop strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills
    • Apply critical thinking skills to new and different problem settings
    • Solve analytical and quantitative problems
    • Develop strong computer modeling skills
  • Develop superior oral communication skills, with a particular focus on presentation skills
  • Develop excellent written communication skills
  • Improve leadership ability by enhancing:
    • Strategic thinking and ethical decision-making skills
    • Team-building skills
    • Understanding of global business issues
  • Improve networking and business relationship-building skills