External Advisory Board
Dr. An Chen, Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), IBM
Dr. Amanda Petford-Long, Argonne Nat. Lab
Prof. Ramamoorthy Ramesh, University of California, Berkeley
Prof. Andrew Rappe, University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Carmen Sidbury, The Sidbury Group LLC
Executive Committee
Prof. Evgeny Tsymbal, Director
Prof. Rebecca Lai, Education Director
Prof. Christian Binek, IRG 1 Leader
Prof. Alexei Gruverman, IRG2 Leader
Prof. Shireen Adenwalla, Seeds
Prof. Peter Dowben, Facilities
Other MRSEC Programs:
• Research experience for faculty and students at undergraduate institutions
• Research experience for teachers
• Educational outreach to K-12 schools
• Science Slam
• WoPhyS
• Technology transfer with industry partners
MRSEC Research Groups
IRG 1 - Magnetoelectric Materials and Functional Interfaces
IRG 2 - Polarization-Enabled Electronic Phenomena
Seed Project 1: NanoThermoMechanical Thermal Computing: NanoPHotonics Metamaterials for High Temperature Memories and Logic Devices
Seed Project 2: Capturing the Dynamics of Antiferromagnetic Ordering with Ultrafast Electron Diffraction
SuperSeed 1: Spin-Orbit Coupling Driven Quantum Phenomena at Correlated Oxide Interfaces
SuperSeed 2: New Hybrid Nanophotonic Materials Based on Nanoantennas and Metasurfaces