YEAR 1 (admitted in fall semester)
Incoming Ph.D. students take the core CHME graduate classes:
- Transport
- Reaction Kinetics
- Thermodynamics
- Advanced Mathematics
Please note that classes are offered in the Fall and Spring semesters as per class schedule. Graduate students are expected to take and successfully complete these classes in the first two years at UNL. A grade of B or better is required in all CHME core classes.
- Take written qualifiers before the last week of the Spring semester of your second year in the department. Qualifiers have to be completed before the completion of 4-semsters at UNL as a Ph.D. student. Exact dates will be communicated by the graduate chair in advance.
YEAR 3 to YEAR 4
At least 7 months prior to the PhD Defense, take oral comprehensive: on a topic directly related candidate’s doctoral thesis. An NIH or NSF styled proposal is expected with substantial preliminary data. See Graduate Handbook for details.
YEAR 4 to YEAR 5
Complete and meet all requirements for a Ph.D.
Expectation from ALL Ph.D. Graduate Students
- All PhD graduate students must publish their research work in peer-reviewed journals.
- It is expected that 3 peer-reviewed journal articles, preferably as first author, will be published or submitted for publication prior to the thesis defense.
- Student should aim for archival and flagship journals from ACS, BMES, AVS, AIChE etc.
- Please avoid publishing in online access journals that do not have a published impact factor or those not having a stringent peer-review procedure. Please do not aim to publish in journals that have an impact factor less than 2.0
- One national presentation either oral or poster is also required.
Expectation from ALL M.S. Students
- All graduate students must publish their research work in peer-reviewed journals.
- It is expected that 1 peer-reviewed journal article, preferably as first author, will be published or submitted for publication prior to the thesis defense.
- Student should aim for archival and flagship journals from ACS, BMES, AVS, AIChE etc.
- Please avoid publishing in online access journals that do not have a published impact factor or those not having a stringent peer-review procedure. Please do not aim to publish in journals that have an impact factor less than 2.0.
One national presentation either oral or poster is also required.