Durham School Scott Campus Facilities

Acoustic Sound Booth

The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 116

This research space houses the architectural engineering program's sound booth, which is used to conduct experiments related to everyday acoustics.

 The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 116
The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 116 -Acoustic Sound Booth

The Durham School Collaboration Space/Technology Lab

The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 117A

This space is available to all Durham School students to utilize a rendering machine, high speed computers, white boards and for study space.  Access is granted by The Durham School staff.

The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 117A

MAE Collaboration Space

The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 117K

All MAE students will have access to the MAE Collaboration Space which is located in PKI 117K.  There are student work spaces with high performing computers, a rendering machine and white boards for collaboration.

The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 117K

Environmental Testing Chambers

The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 119

This controlled environment can be used to test many types of equipment (e.g. air conditioning systems under realistic operating conditions) or human responses.  The environmental chambers can independently be controlled precisely and accurately to any temperature from -20°F to 130°F, and any relative humidity from 5% to 95%.

The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 119
the Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 119 - Envionmental Testing Chambers
The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 119 - Envionmental Testing

Portland Cement and Bituminous Material Lab

The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 123

This teaching/research lab is used to evaluate the behaviors of concrete and asphalt in different environments.

The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 123 - Portland cement lab
The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 123 - Bituminous Material Lab

Structural Testing Lab

The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 126

Are you interested in breaking large objects? If so, this lab was made for you. When the industry is in need of sample testing, this is where they come.

The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 126
The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 126 - cement mix demonstration
 - Room 126 - demonstraion

Geotechnical Lab

The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 127

A teaching and research lab used for evaluation of soil behavior on construction designs.

The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 127
The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 127 - lecture

Mechanical Testing Lab

The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 128

Creating a national infrastructure to withstand time, the elements, and increased traffic starts in this lab space.

The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 128
The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 128 - Concrete test demonstration

Lighting and Electrical Lab

The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 130

With over 300 lighting options to test and banks of electrical equipment available for exploring, this lab is all about hands-on learning.

The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 130
The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 130 - Electrical lab demonstration
he Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 130 - Lecture

HVAC Systems Laboratory

The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 146

HVAC Systems Laboratory - The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 146
The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 146 - Lecture
The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 146 - Demonstration

Drafting/Engineering Graphics Classroom

The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 248

This lab gives students the room they need to multi-task in a technologically driven workforce.

Drafting-Engineering Graphics Classroom
The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 248 - lecture
The Peter Kiewit Institute - Room 248 - demonstration