Master of Science in Architectural Engineering

Architectural Engineering at The Save energy Competition

The UNL Master of Science in Architectural Engineering degree was specifically created to meet the diverse needs of the building industry. The engineering of buildings is a large and complex field, with numerous positions available in each of the specialties offered by the university. There are approximately 10,000 firms in the United States engaged in the engineering design of buildings. Nebraska is proud to boast that it has more than its share of these architectural/engineering firms, including several of the largest in the country located in the Omaha and Lincoln metro areas.

Demand for qualified engineers is largely unsatisfied, both in Nebraska and elsewhere across the United States, simply because of the small number of architectural engineering programs across the nation. In fact, approximately 18 accredited architectural engineering programs are currently in operation in the U.S., including our own program here at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

The degree program is a research-oriented program preparing graduates for:

  1. Professional positions in building design and manufacturing firms where research skills are beneficial
  2. Graduate study in a specialized field of architectural engineering at the doctoral level

The M.S. will provide research experience and depth of knowledge in one of the specialized areas of architectural engineers:

  • Building acoustical systems
  • Building electrical systems
  • Building lighting systems
  • Building mechanical systems
  • Building structural systems
  • Integration of these systems
  • Smart buildings

Architectural Engineering Graduate Contacts

  1. Avatar for Josephine Lau
    Associate Professor Durham School Arch Engr & Const University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    PKI 203D
    Omaha NE 68182-0681
    Work 4025542079
  1. Avatar for Kasey Jensen
    Admin Coord (Scott campus - Omaha) Durham School Arch Engr & Const University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    PKI 100
    Omaha NE 68182-0176
    Work 4025545935