Research Conducted by Associate Professor, Josephine Lau
Carbon Dioxide Based Demand Controlled Ventilation for Multiple Zone HVAC Systems
A mechanical ventilation system should be designed to provide a minimum amount of outdoor air to each space, based on design occupant number and area, according to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010. Demand Controlled-Ventilation (DCV) can be used to reduce unnecessary ventilation and save energy when a space is occupied at less than its design level.
Active Mechanisms for Enhancing Heat and Mass Transfer in Sorption Fluids (ASHRAE RP-1462)
The objective of this research is to develop enhancement techniques for coupled heat and mass transfer process for absorption technology.
Research Conducted by Associate Professor, Haorong Li
Low-cost, Plug-n-Play, Non-invasive Automated Monitoring, Control, Diagnostics, Optimization and Soft-repair of Building Energy
The overall goal of this research thrust is to develop, deploy, evaluate, and demonstrate near-zero-cost, non-invasive and plug-and-play diagnostics and optimization technologies for smart buildings which can be adopted by both existing and new buildings immediately.
Bio-mass renewable energy systems
The goal of this research is to develop a rapid degradation technology and process to decompose bio-mass waste into bio-energy and fertilizer.
Zero-Threshold Decision Support Tools for Existing Buildings
The goal of this research thrust is to develop and demonstrate enabling technologies that can empower homeowners to convert their homes into net-zero energy buildings in a cost-effective manner.
Innovative Integrated Design of Building Energy, Waste-reuse, and energy-recovery
In this study, A target is automatically recognized and tracked through a video camera. To reduce data size and scanning time, only recognized target in a box (i.e., kernel) will be scanned.
Research Conducted by Associate Professer, Avery Schwer
Advanced Water/ Energy Network Design for Sustainable Infrastructure – EPA Electricity Management and Control Mediated by Sensor Networks – NCESR
A goal of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of devices for reducing consumption. An example would be the effective use of gray water systems (1) to reduce the consumption of potable water. The Durham School research team established it is possible to have 100% conveyance of sewage with gray water, thus eliminating the use of potable water for this application.