Program Requirements

To retain their position as a Kiewit Scholar, students must participate in program requirements and meet program academic standards. Current Kiewit Scholars can find additional details in their program handbook. Any student who fails to meet program requirements will meet with college leadership for an evaluative conversation and/or probationary period.

Programmatic & Curricular Requirements

  • Enroll in Kiewit Scholars leadership seminars each semester and receive passing grade
  • Attend all required Kiewit Scholars events throughout the academic year
  • Complete Kiewit internship

Academic Requirements

  • Maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA
  • Complete 30 credit hours each year between fall and spring
  • Remain in good standing with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the College of Engineering, pursuing a degree in the Kiewit Scholars program majors (construction engineering, construction management, civil engineering, environmental engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering)

Leadership Requirements

  • Join two clubs/organizations (one must be UNL-affiliated) your first year
  • Remain involved in at least two organizations and step up for a specific role (e.g., committee chair) your second year
  • Remain involved in at least two organizations and run for a leadership role your third year and fourth year

Housing FAQs

What housing am I allowed to choose with this program?

You may select any University housing and meals plan available to freshmen. This does not include Greek housing.

What if I want to live at home?

Students are able to live at home if they file a waiver with housing. The program is not able to offer them the first year housing benefit, so that financial benefit will be forfeited. The program may be able to cover a meal plan, however. Please reach out to Bonnie if you wish to live off campus your freshmen year.

Can I live in a fraternity?

The Kiewit Scholars first year housing scholarship does not apply to students who choose to live in a fraternity. If you choose to live in a Greek house your freshmen year, the housing financial benefit will be forfeited. The program may be able to cover your meals if you enroll in a University meal plan, however. Reach out to Bonnie if you want to pursue Greek housing.

Can I join a learning community?

Yes! A learning community is a great opportunity to get involved and satisifies one of your involvement requirements your freshmen year.

Additional Questions

What programs are eligible for the education abroad stipend?

Students are able to use their $2,500 stipend toward any UNL affiliated or faculty-led education abroad program. The stipend is a flat amount toward your course and program costs.

Can I also be in the Honors program or other programs on campus?

Students may choose to be in the Honors program in addition to Kiewit Scholars.

Students may not be in the following programs in addition to Kiewit Scholars: Multicultural Engineering Program, Women in Engineering Program, WHT Scholars, Raikes, or Peter Kiewit Foundation Engineering Academy. These programs have conflicting scholarships and/or time commitments.

Will I have the opportunity to have additional internships outside the Kiewit internship?

All students in the program will complete one summer internship with Kiewit. Students are welcome to pursue other opportunities outside of that as long as they don't conflict with the one planned summer Kiewit internship. Students may choose to apply to Kiewit for an internship for a second summer or they may choose to seek other roles in industry or research, depending on their interests.