Scholar Experiences

Kiewit Scholar Students

Kiewit Scholars Kick-Off & Leadership Retreat

Kiewit Scholars attend a Kick-Off each fall with College of Engineering and Kiewit leadership. Incoming freshmen also attend a Leadership Retreat together before the semester begins.

Leadership Seminars

Students enroll in a one-credit Kiewit Scholar seminar every semester in the program. This course offers extensive and in-depth learning in all facets of the Complete Engineer competencies, with a special focus on leadership and communication. Through this course, students receive industry mentorship with regular Kiewit executive speakers.

Site Visits & Immersive Learning Trips

Outside the classroom, students partake in local field trips, to experience engineering and construction first-hand. During their tenure in the program, students have the opportunity to attend two Immersive Learning Trips. 

Professional Development

Additional activities, success coaching, and professional development are offered throughout the program.

Kiewit Scholars Summer Internships