Joseph Turner
Professor Mechanical & Materials Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
NH W354
Lincoln NE 68588-0526 - Phone
Personal Links:
• TULiPS Lab
• Ultrasonics (QUISP Lab)
• Google Scholar Page
• Research Gate Page
Academic Degrees
- Ph.D. in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
- MEngr in Engineering Science and Mechanics, Iowa State University
- B.S. in Engineering Science and Mechanics, Iowa State University
Areas of Research and Professional Interest
- Experimental ultrasonics: nondestructive evaluation, materials characterization
- Nanoindentation: quasi-static, nanoDMA, novel measurement technique development
- Atomic force microscopy: contact resonance AFM, AFM beam dynamics, viscoelastic characterization
- Elastic wave propagation: complex media, anisotropic media, scattering, radiative transfer, diffusion
Google Scholar Page
Research Gate Page
Honors and Awards
Fellow, Acoustical Society of America (2014)
Wilhelm Bessel Forschungspreis, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (2013)
Selected Publications
- C. M. Kube and J. A. Turner, "Ultrasonic attenuation in polycrystals using a self-consistent approach," Wave Motion (to appear, 2015).
- M. Yanagisawa, A. Desyatova, S. Belteton, E. Mallery, J. A. Turner, D. B. Szymanski, “Patterning mechanisms of cytoskeletal and cell wall systems during leaf trichome morphogenesis,” Nature Plants 1 article 15014 (2015).
- P. Hu and J. A. Turner, “Contribution of double scattering in diffuse ultrasonic backscatter measurements,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137, 321-344 (2015).
- E. Forouzesh, A. K. Goel, and J. A. Turner, “Quantifying plant cell wall failure in vivo using nanoindentation,” MRS Communications 4, 107-111 (2014).
- H. Du, C. Lonsdale, J. Oliver, B. M. Wilson, and J. A. Turner “Measurement of quench depth in railroad wheels by diffuse ultrasonic backscatter,” J. Nondestructive Evaluation33, 104-110 (2014).
- H. Du and J. A. Turner, “Ultrasonic attenuation in pearlitic steel,” Ultrasonics 54 882-887 (2014).
- P. Hu, C. M. Kube, L. W. Koester, and J. A. Turner, “Mode-converted diffuse ultrasonic backscatter,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134, 982-990 (2013).
- A. Subramanian, J. A. Turner, G. Budiraja, S. G. Thakurta, N. P. Whitney, S. S. Nudurupati, “Ultrasonic bioreactor as a platform for studying cellular response to ultrasound,” Tissue Engineering C 19, 244-255 (2013).
- E. Forouzesh, A. Goel, S. A. Mackenzie, and J. A. Turner, “In vivo extraction of Arabidopsis cell turgor pressure using nanoindentation in conjunction with finite element modeling,” the Plant Journal73, 509-520, doi: 10.1111/tpj.12042 (2013).
- C. M. Kube, H. Du, G. Ghoshal, and J. A. Turner, “Stress-dependent changes in diffuse ultrasonic backscatter coefficient in steel: Experimental results,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132, EL43-48 (2012).
- B. J. Polly, P. A. Yuya, M. P. Akhter, R. R. Recker, and J. A. Turner, “Intrinsic material properties of trabecular bone by nanoindentation testing of biopsies taken from healthy women before and after menopause,” Calcified Tissue International 90, 286-293 (2012)
- C. M. Hayot, E. Forouzesh, A. Goel, Z. Avramova and J. A. Turner, “Viscoelastic parameters of cell walls of single living plant cells determined by dynamic nanoindentation,” J. Exp. Botany 16, 2525-2540 (2012).
- J. P. Killgore, D. G. Yablon, A. H. Tsou, A. Gannepalli, P. A. Yuya, J. A. Turner, R. Proksch, and D. C. Hurley, “Viscoelastic property mapping with contact resonance force microscopy,” Langmuir 27, 13983-13987 (2011).