Bubble-based Microfluidics

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Ultrasound driven bubble based microsystems offer a unique method of harnessing the interaction of fluid and acoustics at microscales. These systems feature rich and diverse physics, including nonlinear acoustics, resonance, inter-bubble interactions. bubble-particle interactions,  etc. In our research, we have employed free oscillating bubbles as well as acoustic bubbles that are trapped inside horseshoe structures. In both cases, we harness the fluid-acoustic interaction by actuating the microsystem using a piezoelectric transducer. The acoustic oscillations of the bubble surface induce the acoustic streaming flow that can be utilized for a number of applications ranging from fluid mixing and particle manipulation to enhanced mass transfer of chemicals. We also combined opto-thermally generated bubbles with acoustics to subject cells and microorganisms to programmable hydrodynamic force fields that can be used to manipulate these objects, either for imaging purposes or for a mechanical characterization of the immersed objects such as red blood cells. This latter class of study aligns very well with our fluid-structure interaction computational framework for modeling immersed bodies in acoustic streaming flows..


  1. J. M. McNeill, N. Nama, J. Braxton, and T. E. Mallouk, Wafer-Scale fabrication of micro- to nanoscale bubble swimmers and their fast autonomous propulsion by ultrasound,  ACS Nano, Vol. 14(6), pp. 7520–7528, 2020.
  2. L. Ren, N. Nama, J. M. McNeill, F. Soto, Z. Yan, W. Liu, W. Wang, J. Wang, and T. E. Mallouk, 3D Steerable, acoustically powered microswimmers for single-particle manipulation, Science Advances, Vol. 5(10), pp. eaax3084, 2019.
  3. Y. Xie,  N. Nama, P. Li, Z. Mao, P. H. Huang, C. Zhao, F. Costanzo, and T. J. Huang, Probing cell deformability via acoustically actuated bubbles, Small, Vol. 12(7), pp. 902-910, 2016. (Featured as front cover image)
  4. D. Ahmed, A. Ozcelik, N. Bojanala, N. Nama, A. Upadhyay, Y. Chen, W. Hanna-Rose, and T. J. Huang, Rotational manipulation of single microparticles, cells, and organisms using acoustic waves, Nature Communications, Vol. 7, pp. 11085, 2016.
  5. Y. Xie, C. Chindam, N. Nama, S. Yang, M. Lu, Y. Zhao, J. D. Mai, F. Costanzo, and T. J. Huang, Exploring bubble oscillation and mass transfer enhancements in acoustic-assisted liquid-liquid extraction with a microfluidic device, Scientific Reports, Vol. 5, pp. 12572, 2015.
  6. A. Ozcelik, D. Ahmed, Y. Xie, N. Nama, Z. Qu, A. A. Nawaz, and T. J. Huang, An acoustofluidic micromixer via bubble inception and cavitation from microchannel sidewalls, Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 86, pp. 5083-5088, 2014.
  7. C. Chindam, N. Nama, M. I. Lapsley, F. Costanzo, and T. J. Huang, Theory and experiment on resonant frequencies of liquid-air interfaces trapped in microfluidic devices, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 114, pp. 194503, 2013.
  8. D. Ahmed, C. Y. Chan, S. C. S. Lin, H. S. Muddana, N. Nama, S. J. Benkovic, and T. J. Huang, Tunable, pulsatile chemical gradient generation via acoustically driven oscillating bubbles, Lab on a Chip, Vol. 13, pp. 328-331, 2013. (Featured as front cover image)