Contact Information First Required Last Required NU ID Required Email Required Information about your application will come to this email address. Phone Required We may text you if there is a need during the application review process. Are you admitted to the College of Engineering or the Pre-Engineering program? Yes No Additional Information Which campus will you enroll in for Fall? Lincoln Campus Omaha (Scott) Campus What major have you declared? What is your high school GPA? What was the most recent math course you have taken? What high school will you or have you graduated from? Have any of your parents/guardians earned a college diploma or degree? Yes No Have you taken the ACT or SAT exam? Yes No What was your Math ACT or SAT score? What was your composite ACT or SAT score? Tell us why being part of ERA is important to you. Tell us why you think you would be a great candidate for ERA this year. Parent/Guardian Contact Information What is your parent/guardian’s name? First Last What is your parent/guardian’s phone number? What is your parent/guardian’s email address? Would you like your parent/guardian to be included on the information we send you about ERA? Yes – include my parent/guardian so I make sure I don’t miss anything No – don’t include my parent/guardian. I will make sure I stay informed by reading my ERA emails when they arrive. Can you commit to being on campus the evening of August 15, 2025? Yes No I’m not sure Can you commit to being in attendance during the entirety of the ERA program, which includes classes, projects, and social activities from August 16 – August 21, 2025? Yes No I’m not sure What is one thing you are really looking forward to when you start your first semester at college? Leave this field blank