PhD in Engineering with specialization in Materials Engineering

Areas of Study

Experimental and computational aspects of materials synthesis, processing, characterization, and simulation. Engineering of nanomaterials, coatings, fibers, and novel materials, and of devices enabled by these materials.


Materials engineering involves investigation and application of the fundamental physics, chemistry and engineering of materials in order to create, develop, and use materials with superior and new properties for manufacturing processes and engineering design. The discovery, research, development, and applications of materials are major reasons behind the adoption, widespread availability, cost reduction, innovations, and improvements in medical, transportation, communications, security, home, and entertainment technologies, and much more. 

At UNL, students and faculty from the departments of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Mechanical and Materials Engineering work individually and in collaboration in the interdepartmental Materials Engineering doctoral area of specialization.

The objectives in the Materials Engineering specialization are:

  1. To involve students in research and creative activity in new aspects and applications of materials engineering
  2. To prepare students for careers in the research, development, and applications of new and advanced materials
  3. To provide students with a foundation for work in industry, commerce, and national and corporate laboratories, and in academia

For instruction and research, students have access to many experimental and computational research laboratories and facilities in the departments and labs of the faculty listed below and in the Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience.

Application Deadline


Fall: January 15
Spring: October 15
Summer: January 15
OTHERWISE Rolling admissions

Application Checklist

Required by the Office of Graduate Studies:

  • Apply at:
  • $50 non-refundable application processing fee
  • If your native language is not English: verification of English proficiency
  • If you are not a US citizen and you expect to hold an F or J visa: financial resource information

Required by Materials Engineering

  • Entrance exam(s): GRE optional
  • Minimum TOEFL: Paper-550 Computer-213 Internet-79
  • Statement of degree goals, career aims, and research areas of interest
  • Three letters of recommendation

Materials Engineering Graduate Contacts