News Aggregation
Live B1G: Center for Electro-Optics and Functionalized Services
Researchers in the Center for Electro-Optics and Functionalized Surfaces are using high-energy, ultra-fast lasers to apply a diverse range of properties to an extremely thin layer of metallic surfaces. These applications alter the properties of the surface, allowing for applications many fields, such as biomedical, energy, computers, and aerospace.
Projects and Initiatives
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Engineering faculty, staff and students perform innovative research that reaches across the traditional disciplines to apply foundational knowledge to develop and understand the complex systems ranging from the human body to the built and natural environment.
This research addresses problems that vex the world and have a grounding of impact on the people, places and institutions of the state of Nebraska. We study complex problems, develop foundational advances, and generate practical solutions to problems.
The following are our seven areas of major interdisciplinary initiatives of focus.
Major Areas
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
We're designing new methods from nano and microscopic scales; materials and machine parts; biological products; and innovative concrete structures, bridges, and more comfortable buildings. Our advanced manufacturing capabilities incorporate nano structures, additive manufacturing, biomolecules, and major construction.
Biomedical Engineering and Health Care Environments
Our faculty and students work closely with medical practitioners to design advanced medical devices for diagnostics and repair of lost function, for less invasive surgery, and to understand how living systems interface with engineered systems.
Energy Materials and Energy Systems
Nebraska engineers apply multiple approaches to solve the energy issues of today. We are designing new materials to convert solar energy into usable power, building new energy conversion/ storage devices, determining energy efficiency of buildings, and improving the efficiency of power generation.
Engineering in Agriculture, Life Sciences, and Natural Resources
Agriculture and the natural environment have a deep role in the state of Nebraska. Our engineering faculty are utilizing technologies to revolutionize agricultural practice through advanced mechanization, data analytics, and innovative processing technologies; to study and improvement of natural resource management; and to applying genetic methods to study and control living systems.
National Defense and Security
UNL engineers are developing technologies and procedures to protect our nation’s security through development of sensors and devices, cybersecurity protocols, battlefield surgical tools, and technology to protect people and facilities.
Transportation and the Built Environment
Our engineers are developing new tools applying data analytics to design better transportation systems, bridges, buildings and manufacturing environments. We develop tools for structural health monitoring, for infrastructure planning for extreme events, and through multifunctional models.
Discipline-based education research (DBER)
The College of Engineering is building expertise in discipline-based education research (DBER) that encompasses the study of teaching and learning in engineering from the perspective of the whole. The body of research that is generated provides the evidence for local, national, and global change in how we educate students.
Research Taxonomy: View our primary research areas |