Aerospace Club

Campus: City Campus (Lincoln)
Contacts: Email GroupJae Sung Park (Advisor)Karen Stelling (Advisor)
Organization: UNL Student Chapter

The Aerospace Club at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln was started in 2008. The purpose of the branch is to encourage students to learn more about aerospace news, history, education and careers, and to provide opportunities for students to participate in aerospace projects and design competitions.

American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) 

Campus: City Campus (Lincoln)
Contacts: Email AIChEHossein Noureddini (Advisor)

Our mission is to create an environment wherein we promote leadership and personal development among students, educate students on the current opportunities and developments in the chemical engineering field, and facilitate interaction between students and professionals.

American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)

Campus: Lincoln (East Campus)
Contact: Email ASABE

American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) is a student organization providing students who are interested in agriculture and biological engineering the opportunity to interact with other students in the department, network with the outside industry, and attend conferences with the national professional society.


American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Campus: City Campus (Lincoln) / Scott Campus (Omaha)
Contacts: Lincoln e-mailOmaha e-mailJoshua Steelman (Lincoln)Chungwook Sim (Omaha)

Students are encouraged to join this professional society as freshmen. Through regular monthly meetings and community projects, students learn more about the field of civil engineering, meet other CIVE students and become involved in the community. Students are also encouraged to participate in the Concrete Canoe and Steel Bridge Competitions held at regional and national competitions each year. These competitions allow students to apply engineering concepts learned in the classroom to real-life activities. 

Find the Lincoln section on Facebook at and the Omaha section on Twitter at


American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)

Campus: Scott Campus (Omaha)
Contacts: David YuillASHRAE

The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) exposes students to the sciences of heating, ventilation, refrigerating, air-conditioning and related human factors. The group schedules tours, speakers, mentoring opportunities with the local Nebraska ASHRAE Chapter and a trip to the national ASHRAE conference regularly.

If interested in joining the ASHRAE student group please email


American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

Campus: City Campus (Lincoln)
Contact: Email ASME

As members of this professional society, students are given the opportunity to stay informed regarding recent developments in the field of mechanical engineering through publications, field trips and meetings. Fellowship is also enhanced through interaction with other student sections as well as professional sectors of the society. 


American Water Works Association/Water Environment Federation (AWWA/WEF)

Campus: City Campus (Lincoln) / Scott Campus (Omaha)
Contacts: Bruce Dvorak (LincolnGeorge Hunt (Omaha)
Organization: AWWAWEF

Undergraduate and graduate students interested in the environmental engineering field are encouraged to participate. The student chapter hosts regular meeting, field trips, and social events during the academic year.


Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI)

Campus: Scott Campus (Omaha)
Contact: Clarence Waters
Organization: Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI)

Architectural Engineering Institute (AEI) promotes knowledge regarding the profession of architectural engineering by study, research, and discussion of the AE field with speakers, tours, and trips to the national AEI conference. AEI also encourages the interaction of students to share their education and experiences within the AE field and provides valuable communication between students and professions in the field. 

AEI Logo

Architectural Engineering Student Leadership and Advisory Committee (AESLAC)

Campus: Scott Campus (Omaha)
Contacts: Clarence WatersEmail AESLAC

The Architectural Engineering Student Leadership and Advisory Committee’s purpose is to oversee the Architectural Engineering Program, student activities, and other concerns of its students. In addition, the committee represents architectural engineering students to the faculty, to the program director, and to the citizens of Nebraska. We strive for the betterment of the Architectural Engineering program, both through academic excellence and the creation of an enriched cocurricular environment.

Please reach out to or visit our Presence page for more information.


ASABE Fountain Wars Competition Team

Campus: Lincoln (East Campus)
Contact: Aaron Mittelstet

Fountain Wars is a hands-on competition in which a team of up to six students design a fountain to complete challenges using the necessary PVC pipes, couplers, fittings, valves, nozzles, and pumps. Awards are based on the combined scores of a written report, oral presentation, video abstract, construction, technical tasks, and aesthetic display.

ASABE Robotic Club

Campus: Lincoln (East Campus)
Contact: Santosh Pitla

Robotic Club is a student organization that focuses on robotic design. Throughout the year, we conduct robotic design workshops as well as work on robotic projects. Students will be involved in mechanical and electrical design and also embedded system programming. We participate in the annual ASABE student robotic challenge, and build our competition robots during spring and summer.

Associated General Contractors of America (AGC)

Campus: Lincoln (City and East Campus)Scott Campus (Omaha)
Contact: Matt Barrows (Lincoln)
Organization: Nebraska Chapter

AGC is the largest and oldest national construction trade association in the United States. Meetings will be on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month in Nebraska Hall, Room 188 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. 

Please email President Wyatt Cassidy with interest.

AGC Logo

Association for Computing Machinery

Campus: Lincoln
Contact: Charles Riedesel

To promote an increased knowledge of the science, design, development, construction, language, and applications of modern computing machinery. To promote a greater interest in computing machinery and its applications. To provide a means of communication between persons having interest in computing machinery.

Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)

Campus: City Campus (Lincoln)
Contacts: Email BMESNicole Iverson (Advisor)Rebecca Wachs (Advisor)
Organization: UNL Chapter

We are UNL's student chapter for the national BMES, which is a professional society for practicing biomedical engineers. We welcome all students that are interested in biomedical engineering, as it spans many different majors and programs.  We focus a lot on exposing students to different areas of biomedical engineering and giving guidance on deciding what to do after graduation.