Professorship Guidelines for Selection and Appointment

April 2024


Professorships are among the most prestigious recognitions awarded by the institution. They reflect the following major criteria:

  • An extraordinary level of scholarly or creative achievement and clear potential for continuing major accomplishments that enhance the reputation of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
  • Documented excellence in various aspects of teaching and outreach and demonstrated commitment to the welfare of traditional and non-traditional learners.
  • Extensive involvement and service in furtherance of the several missions of the University (which includes activities that promote excellence in teaching, research, and/or extension within the unit and IANR, and in national and international organizations in the candidate’s field), significantly above the normal level of campus citizenship.

Please note, individuals may hold only one named professorship or chair at a time (including the program development and/or stipend associated with that award). Those who hold an award will need to relinquish that professorship/chair to accept another professorship or chair. Upon retirement, those granted emeritus status will carry the professorship designation as part of their emeritus title (unless stated otherwise in the Fund Agreement). Although they can retain the professorship designation, retired faculty members are not eligible to receive funding associated with the professorship (e.g., program development and stipend).

Selection Process

The professorship selection process is identified in the Fund Agreement. When the Fund Agreement indicates that a faculty committee shall be involved in the process, the following will guide the selection process:

  1. he responsible unit administrator will designate a screening committee consistent with the Fund Agreement. This committee can be an existing committee (e.g., Promotion and Tenure) or an ad hoc committee composed of individuals identified by the unit administrator.
  2. Using an equity mindset, the unit administrator and screening committee will determine a) the timeframe for soliciting nominations, b) what should be included in the application (see below), and c) the evaluation criteria (see #4 below).
  3. At the appropriate time, the responsible unit administrator or screening committee will send a request for nominations to all faculty in the unit identified in the Fund Agreement. Faculty members may nominate others within the unit or themselves. Nominees will be invited to submit an application. All applicants will be evaluated by the screening committee on the predetermined criteria.
  4. Recipients shall be chosen based upon the following criteria:
    1. Eligibility as defined in the Fund Agreement supporting the professorship.
    2. Unless otherwise directed by the Fund Agreement, recipients shall be employed as a full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty member of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
    3. Teaching ability and accomplishments.
    4. Research ability and accomplishments.
    5. Extension education ability and accomplishments.
    6. Service to profession.
  5. The screening committee will submit to the unit administrator, in writing, their recommendation for the professorship. The unit administrator, in consultation with the relevant IANR deans, will nominate the individual to the Vice Chancellor, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The nomination, if approved by the Vice Chancellor, shall then be submitted by the Vice Chancellor to the Chancellor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln for final review. Final approval shall be given by the University of Nebraska in accordance with such University policies as are in place at the time of each appointment.
  6. Unless otherwise directed by the Fund Agreement, recipients shall receive a five (5) year appointment subject to continued employment with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. This appointment may be renewable (depending on the Fund Agreement) for an additional five (5) year term upon satisfactory performance and evaluation (see below).
  7. Prior to the end of the five-year term, the unit administrator will be notified to submit the following documentation to be considered for renewal.
    1. One page summary of cumulative accomplishments and impacts for the past five years.
    2. Current CV with accomplishments over the past five years highlighted.
    3. Letter from the unit administrator evaluating the faculty member’s accomplishments and indicating the degree to which they support the continuation of the professorship/chair.
    4. As appropriate, letter from center/institute director (or others) with whom the faculty member has a formal affiliation relevant to the professorship/chair.
  8. The unit administrator will designate a screening committee consistent with the Funding Agreement, to evaluate the faculty member’s outcomes and impacts based on the criteria and provide a recommendation about renewal. The committee will provide to the unit administrator, in writing, their candid assessment of the faculty member’s cumulative accomplishments and impacts and their recommendation.
    • If continuation is recommended and supported by the unit administrator, the unit administrator in consultation with the relevant IANR deans, will recommend renewal to the Vice Chancellor, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The renewal, if approved by the Vice Chancellor, shall then be submitted by the Vice Chancellor to the Chancellor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln for final review. Final approval shall be given by the University of Nebraska, in accordance with such University policies as are in place at the time of each appointment hereunder.
    • If the unit administrator, in consultation with the IANR deans, determines that the professorship/chair should not be renewed, the unit administrator shall inform the Vice Chancellor prior to informing the faculty member and soliciting nominations for the professorship/chair. 

Recommended application material:

  • Abbreviated curriculum vitae (maximum 5 pages).
  • Nomination letter outlining why the individual should be awarded the named professorship (maximum 3 pages).
  • Letter from an administrator or other faculty member seconding the nomination (maximum 3 pages)
  • Professorship External Reference Form (Appendix 2): Please provide contact information for two external references and sign the waiver for confidentiality of external review responses. In the selection of outside reviewers, nominees are asked to read the guidelines provided in section VI.D.5 of the "Guidelines for the Evaluation of Faculty: Annual Evaluations, Promotion, and Tenure". In particular, nominees should choose referees that represent an appropriate set of peers with whom they do not have a conflict of interest such as ongoing professional collaboration or an advisor or advisee relationship.