Local Interest
Check out Hall County 4-H!
Did you know:
- 4-H is the largest out-of-school youth organization with over 6 million youth members!
- In Nebraska, 4-H reaches 1-in-3 age-eligible youth and engages youth and families in all 93 counties.
- 4-H has been around for over 100 years!
4-H STEM Activity Backpacks
Check out a STEM Backpack for your family for the Holiday Break! Each of the backpacks contains theme-based books, activity sheets & materials, and a step-by-step lesson plan for adults. Most of the lessons are also available in Spanish.
Click the button below for more information & to find out how to check out one of these 4-H STEM Activity Backpacks from the Hall County Extension Office.
Train to be a Master Gardener!
Extension Master Gardener Volunteers are people who love plants, gardening, landscaping, and teaching others. To earn a title of Extension Master Gardener Volunteer, individuals enroll in the program and receive 40 hours of training from University of Nebraska–Lincoln faculty, then volunteer 40 hours of gardening and horticulture related work. There is a training fee which covers the training resources. No qualifications or prior knowledge about horticulture is needed for the class. The only requirement is a desire to share a love of gardening, learning, and a commitment to teach others about horticulture.
Learn More About Master Gardener Training in Hall County
Hall County Pesticide and Chemigation Training Schedule
The schedules are set for 2025 Commercial/Noncommercial Pesticide Training, Private Pesticide Training and Chemigation Training in Nebraska.
Questions?? Contact Elizabeth Exstrom at elizabeth.exstrom@unl.edu or at 308-385-5088.
Go to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Pesticide Education website for more information, to register, and to order study materials.
Hall County Pesticide/Chemigation Training Information