IANR Staff Council

IANR employs about 1200 staff members, many of whom are forward deployed throughout the state. While there is a great diversity in staff member roles and responsibilities, all are engaged in advancing the teaching, research, and extension missions of the Institute, and in contributing to the impact that we are having on the state, nation, and world. After talking with representatives from other staff councils on campus and obtaining feedback from staff, institutional leadership supported a proposal to create a staff council in IANR.

We are committed to helping it be a useful resource for staff members throughout the Institute.

If anyone is interested in the minutes of the IANR Staff Council, please email ianr.sc@unl.edu for an electronic copy.


The mission of our staff council will be to enhance the work environment for current and future staff members. The council will do this by:

  • Providing opportunities to staff members which allow them to grow professionally
  • Bringing ideas and concerns that affect the culture and climate of IANR to the attention of IANR leadership
  • Facilitating communication and meaningful connections among IANR staff
1200 +
Staff members in IANR


Mitakuye Oyasin: We are all Related

Ted Hibbeler, Tribal Extension Educator, addresses the IANR Staff Council October 26, 2023.

Staff Council Members

IANR is excited to announce that the IANR Staff Council will be composed of the following IANR staff members:


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