Nebraska’s Forest Action Plan – 2020 represents a multi-year effort by Nebraska Forest Service staff to ensure trees continue to play a role in the lives of all Nebraskans. It includes assessments in locations considered to be priority forested areas; the strategies that will be implemented to address the challenges that exist; and, how the agency’s resources will coalesce to bring the state’s trees and forests to a healthy and sustainable condition.
Additionally, this plan maintains the flexibility that allows for a response to changes in the natural environment, state or federal policy, and the priorities of constituents and stakeholders.
From ponderosa pines in the panhandle to the riparian hardwood forests overlooking the Missouri River, trees and forests play important roles in Nebraska's ecology and its economy. Nebraska’s Forest Action Plan – 2020 represents a multi-year effort to ensure trees continue to play a role in the lives of all Nebraskans.
About the Cover: The tree featured on the cover is stewarded by Ralph Naber near Beatrice. It is recognized as the largest cottonwood in the United States by American Forests. (Photo by: Graham Herbst, NFS)
Full Document
Download A full PDF of the entire Forest Action Plan. This download may take several minutes to complete.
Section 1: Statewide Forest Resource Assessment
Download Chapters 1-2: Introduction to Nebraska's Forest Action Plan; Nebraska forestland and non-forestland data
Download Chapters 3-4: Nebraska's Priority Forest Landscapes; Multistate Priority Areas
Download Chapters 5-7: Overview of NFS programs and strategic goals to align with FAP; Other statewide concerns and topics pertinent to the health of Nebraska's forests; Partnership and stakeholder engagement
Section 2: Statewide Forest Resource Strategy
Download Chapters 8-9: Goals and strategies of the FAP, Implementation Approach of FAP Goals
Download Chapters 10-12: Crosswalk of 2010, 2015, and 2020 FAPs; Summary of 2015 FAP Implementation and Challenges; Funding and Resources
Download Appendices and References: Forest Legacy Assessment of Need; Eastern Redcedar Issue Paper; Forestry Best Management Practices; Community Wildfire Protection Plans; Nebraska Natural Legacy Project List of Species of Greatest Conservation Need
Kyle Martens, Communications Specialist, Sandy Benson, Forest Fuels Management Specialist
Statewide Forest Action Planning Team
John Erixson, State Forester and Director, Steven Jara, Deputy Director, Christina Hoyt, Community Landscape and Forest Health Bureau Chief, Adam Smith, Forestry and Fire Bureau Chief, Matt Holte, Fire Management Officer, Laurie Stepanek, Forest Health Team Leader, Sandy Benson, Forest Fuels Management Specialist
Staff Contributors
Rachel Allison, Chrissy Land, Claire Shield, Lord Ameyaw, Fred McCartney, Lew Sieber, Rachel Anderson, Doak Nickerson, Jorden Smith, Aaron Clare, Justin Nickless, Kendall Weyers, Justin Evertson, Seth Peterson, Rich Woollen, Graham Herbst, Hanna Pinneo, Lola Young, Mark Frickel, Steve Rasmussen, Steve Karloff, Jay Seaton