Graduate Program Administrative Forms

The forms on this page should be initiated by an academic advisor as this page is intended for internal use. Clicking "Initiate Form" will open the form for completion and automatically route it for approval using DocuSign. To view the form prior to initiating the electronic process, click on "See Example."

FormForm Initiated ByForm signed/approved bySubmission InstructionsInitiateSee Example
Memorandum of Courses CoJMC Academic Advisor
  1. CoJMC Associate Dean for Academic Programs
  2. Minor Advisor (if applicable)
  3. Student
Advisor downloads the completed form and emails it to Terri Easton in Grad Studies. Advisor files form in OneDrive and updates the student’s Clickup record. Initiate FormSee Example
Request to Amend MOCCoJMC Academic Advisor
  1. Student
  2. CoJMC Associate Dean for Academic Programs
Advisor downloads the completed form and emails it to Terri Easton in Grad Studies. Advisor files form in OneDrive and updates the student’s Clickup record. Initiate FormSee Example
Professional Project - Topic ApprovalStudent
  1. Professional Project Chair
  2. Committee Member 1
  3. Committee Member 2
  4. CoJMC Associate Dean for Academic Programs

Final Copies to: 

  1. CoJMC Academic Advisors
Advisor downloads the completed form, saves the file in the student’s OneDrive File and updates the student's Clickup record.  Initiate FormSee Example

Professional Project - Proposal Approval

(includes Final Exam Form)

  1. Professional Project Chair
  2. Committee Member 1
  3. Committee Member 2
  4. CoJMC Associate Dean for Academic Programs

Final Copies to:  

  1. Academic Advisors

Advisor saves both the project proposal and the final exam form in the student's OneDrive File and updates the student's Clickup Record. 

Advisor sends the Final Exam Form to Terri Easton in Grad Studies. Terri will return the form with Grad Studies signatures. The Academic Advisor will then resave the final exam form in the grad student's OneDrive File. 

Advisor will send an email to the professional project chair notifying them that they must contact Haley Hamel upon completion of the Oral Defense to initiate the second part of the routing on the Final Exam Form. The email will include a reminder that the oral defense must be completed at least four weeks prior to graduation. 

Initiate FormSee Example
Final Exam Form - ADPR 930CoJMC Academic Advisor
  1. Professional Project Committee Chair
  2. CoJMC Associate Dean for Academic Programs
After completion, the advisor downloads the form and emails it to Terri Easton in Grad Studies. Advisor files form in OneDrive and updates student record in Clickup. Terri will return a copy of the form with Grad Studies approval. Advisor will save the final form in OneDrive (replacing the previous form).  Initiate FormSee Example