Please fill out the following with as much detail as possible. If you haven't, please head to our cost page. First and Last Name Required Contact Email for Stay Required Number of people in your party Required Please count everyone who will stay at our campus during your visit if you are responsible for them. If you are not responsible for paying for them, please have them fill out their own lodging request. Arrival Required Arrival: Date Required Arrival: Time Required Please put in when you would like to arrive. Departure Required Departure: Date Required Departure: Time Required When do you plan on packing up and heading out? Lodging Preference If your party has multiple people who need to stay in multiple types of units, please select all types that would be acceptable. Private room and bath with HVAC traditional instructor housing Semi-private room and shared bath with HVAC traditional assistant housing Shared room and bath without HVAC traditional student housing Group Camping Site Day trip: no lodging, meals only Day trip: no accommodations necessary Reason for Visit Short description of purpose Additional Accommodations Request Please include equipment, classroom/lab space, physical, dietary accommodations that would make your stay effective and pleasant. Payment Method Required - Select -Credit CardCash/CheckCost CenterInvoiceIBTCedar Point Graduate/Undergraduate FundingWaived Credit/Debit Card Payment Information You will be able to pay via our online portal once we confirm your information. Cash and Check Payment Information Please ensure that you give Jon Garbisch your payment for your stay before you leave the campus on your departure day. Cost Center Information Cost Center/Object Number Department Associated with Cost Center 9-digit Departmental Zip Code This is the zip code of the department associated with the cost center. Finance Associate This is the person who will accept the charge from the School of Biological Sciences on your behalf. Is this associated with a grant that has a deadline? - Select -YesNo Funds must be charged by: Put the date that the grant has to be charged by. IBT Information Agency Name IBT Address Contact Name for IBT IBT Contact Email Please put in the email for the finance associate responsible for accepting the IBT. Waived Lodging Information Reason for Waived Cost Person of Contact Please write in the name of the person who has agreed to waive your costs. Additional Notes Please include any and all prior agreements with Dr. DeLong and/or J. Garbisch associated with this stay, be it financial or physical accommodations to ensure they are respected. Leave this field blank