Member Spotlight: Common Good Farm

March 14, 2025

Common Good Farm Promo Photo

Meet Ruth Chantry & Evrett Lunquist of Common Good Farm!

Growing Good Food Through Good Farming for Over 20 Years

Welcome to Common Good Farm, a one of a kind mom & pop farm that produces certified organic and certified biodynamic vegetables and meat in Raymond, Nebraska!  With over 20 years of farming, Ruth & Evrett’s dedication to the land and ecology shows in the diversity and quality of products they offer to the community. 

Common Good Farm offers:
Seeing the Farm as a Natural Landscape

Ruth & Evrett produce good food through soil regeneration and conscientious farming practices.  When met with a farm problem, like pest or weed pressure, they look for natural and ecological solutions.  When bindweed (a fast-spreading weed with a very long taproot) started affecting their farm, Ruth and Evrett decided to add pigs to the land to control the weed without synthetic herbicides.  Since pigs naturally love to “root” around in the soil, they helped dig up and eat the fleshy roots of the bindweed!  Since adding pigs to the land, Common Good Farm has reduced the weed pressure from bindweed.

"We feel we were called to grow good food, pure & simple."

A commitment to the community has been a core value of Common Good Farm since the beginning.  Farmers Ruth & Evrett, both with urban upbringings, and have operated the oldest Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program in the State! In 2021 customers can invest in the farm, and get farm products through their Farm Membership program.  By purchasing a CSA share or a farm membership, you are investing in the farm early in the season and receiving a share of vegetables and farm products to enjoy throughout the season.

Want to Learn More?

Visit Member Profile in the Online Food Guide