Citizenship Washington Focus

Citizenship Washington Focus

 Citizenship Washington Focus Conference

What: Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) is a 4-H leadership program for high school youth, ages 15-19, from across the country. Every summer thousands of young people stay at the National 4-H Youth Conference Center, near Washington, D.C., to participate in this week-long program.

For over 50 years, CWF has enriched young people’s lives by providing opportunities for them to:

  •  Broaden appreciation and practice respect for themselves and others in the world.
  •  Increase individual commitment to citizen involvement.
  •  Understand the importance of civic and social responsibilities as they relate to the development of better citizens and leaders.
  •  Practice fitness and have fun!

Delegates accomplish the above through:

  •  A look behind the scenes in our nation’s Capitol, and a chance to meet senators and representatives.
  •  Motivational speakers, workshops, and assemblies that increase individual commitment to citizen involvement and build lifetime skills for success.
  •  Activities that encourage new and lasting friendships.
  •  An enthusiastic collegiate staff working daily with the youth.
  •  Fitness and fun!

Generally, the trip includes visiting fun and educational sites in route to Washington, D.C., including Niagara Falls and New York City.

Who: If you are a Custer County 4-H’er who will be at least 15 years old, but not older than 19 years old, by October 15th of the year the trip is held.

When: The trip will take place for approximately 14 days in June.