People & Place

Two women sit outside a coffee shop in Aurora, Neb.
"Quote about people and place"

How Your Community Benefits

Each community is as unique as its residents. But sometimes those unique qualities are overlooked simply because of familiarity. The Rural Prosperity Nebraska People & Place team works with you and your neighbors to showcase what puts your community on the map.

Through collaborative conversations about local attractions, workshops on tourism development, and explorations of your online footprint, our programs are tailor-made to fit your community’s aspirations and opportunities, strengthening your welcoming culture, elevating your unique characteristics, and creating a vibrant town that attracts businesses and residents alike.

From uncovering your community’s unique strengths to delving into what draws in newcomers, and crafting strategic initiatives to enrich community cohesion, the expertise of the People & Place team empowers you and your neighbors to transform your town into more than just a living space, but a cherished hub for work, leisure, learning, and recreation. In other words, a home.

A woman sells two boys ice cream in Valentine, Neb.



RPN Extension Educator