College of Journalism and Mass Communications

Give to the College

Downtown Lincoln Skyline

Welcome to the College of Journalism and Mass Communications' donor wish list, where every contribution, regardless of size, plays a crucial role in shaping the future of our college. Donor support is instrumental in advancing our mission to nurture curious and creative minds to thrive in the ever-changing media and communications professions.

Whether you choose to support equipment procurement, faculty development, community engagement, facility enhancements or student scholarships, your generous donations make a significant impact and empower our students to achieve their full potential.

Your commitment helps us foster a dynamic learning environment and stay at the forefront of education and innovation. Join us on our journey to making a lasting difference in the lives of our students and the broader community.

Below you will find a current list of the college's greatest needs and our target fundraising goals for each.

Current Initiatives

Equipment Support

Donor support enhances media education at our college. Your contributions empower students to learn how to use advanced tools, like LiveU and Mira Replay Server, and get hands-on training with industry-standard equipment. Ensure that every CoJMC student can Do From Day One and help make technology more accessible by providing emergency tech resources or laptops for graduate assistants. Join us in shaping the future of media professionals.

Greatest Needs

  • Tieline for KRNU - $18,963
  • LiveU - $30,840
  • Mira Replay Server - $62,575
  • Graduate Assistant Laptops - $13,000 - FUNDED!
  • Emergency Tech Support - $5,000
  • Experimental Tech Support - $5,000
Support Equipment Now
Back of  a man's head holding a large camera lens


Andersen Hall and the Experience Lab are the heart of our college. Your support enhances student study and office spaces, fostering growth and excellence. Help us propel journalism and mass communications into the future and join us on this transformative journey to shape tomorrow's media professionals.

Greatest Needs

  • Student Study Spaces - $75,000
  • Office Spaces - $40,000
Support Facilities Now
TV Studio Control Room

Faculty Support

Support the faculty who nurture our students' curiosity and creativity. Donations ensure students have access to industry expertise in the classroom and enable faculty research through seed grants. Your contributions elevate journalism and mass communications, fostering a dynamic learning environment for our students. Join us in advancing education and innovation.

Greatest Needs

  • Support an Instructor - $4,000 per course
  • Faculty Seed Grants - $5,000 per grant
Support Faculty Now
Woman stands next to desk talking to two students

Student Scholarships

Donors can shape a student's future by providing scholarship support. Your contributions break financial barriers, enabling aspiring journalism and mass communications leaders to pursue education, focus on studies and make a societal impact. Your generosity fosters an inclusive, talent-driven future for our industries.

Greatest Needs - $2,000 per scholarship

  • Sports Media and Communications Scholarships
  • Journalism Scholarships 
  • Broadcasting Scholarships 
  • Advertising and Public Relations Scholarships 
  • Education Abroad Scholarships 
Man in graduation garb holding up his hands

Community Engagement

At the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's College of Journalism and Mass Communications, we are committed to nurturing the next generation of media professionals. Our students are not only learning in the classroom but are also gaining invaluable hands-on experience through their roles as student employees. On-campus jobs provide students with financial support, the opportunity to practice their skills, apply academic theory in real-world settings and create meaningful connections with faculty, alumni and potential employers.

Greatest Needs

  • Ambassadors - $25,000
  • Lab Assistants - $15,000
  • Welcome Crew - $25,000
  • Checkout Room Attendants - $20,000
  • Production Assistants - $23,000
  • Peer Mentors - $11,000
Group of students stands in front of the Nebraska State Capital.

Student Experiences

At the College of Journalism and Mass Communications, the Student Experience Fund is dedicated to enhancing our innovative experiential learning programs. This fund supports initiatives like the Experience Lab, where students collaborate with faculty liaisons and professional mentors to gain invaluable hands-on experience in our media outlets and agencies. Your contribution to the Student Experience Fund fuels the practical education of our students, preparing them to excel in the dynamic world of media and communication. Join us in fostering the next generation of ethically grounded and globally-minded leaders, creators, strategists and storytellers. 

Support Student Experiences Now
Two men stand behind a video camera while a woman stands in front of it.

Empower Student Success: Support the CoJMC Emergency N Fund

The CoJMC Emergency N Fund is a crucial resource dedicated to supporting students who encounter unforeseen crises that threaten their progress towards earning their degree. Unexpected emergencies, whether financial, medical, or personal, can create significant barriers for students striving to achieve their educational goals. By providing financial relief during these challenging times, the Emergency N Fund allows students to concentrate on their studies without the added burden of financial stress.

Your generous contribution to this fund helps ensure that our students have the necessary support to navigate and overcome these obstacles. It empowers them to remain focused on their academic and professional development, ensuring they can continue their journey towards becoming the next generation of leaders, creators, strategists, and storytellers. Join us in making a tangible difference in the lives of our students, offering them the stability they need to succeed and thrive in the face of adversity.

Give to the Emergency N Fund