Library Depository Retrieval Facility (LDRF)

Photo of the exterior of the LDRF building

Materials at the LDRF

The Library Depository Retrieval Facility (LDRF) houses Archives & Special Collections, Dinsdale Family Learning Commons (formerly C.Y. Thompson Library) and other general library materials. Learn about the process for accessing items at the LDRF.

archives icon

Archives & Special Collections at LDRF

To best meet your archival research needs, schedule an appointment with Archives & Special Collections staff. 

We can prepare materials for your use at the LDRF Reading Room.

 Schedule a visit to the LDRF Reading Room with Archive/Spec

How LDRF Items are Requested and Delivered

Step 1

Search the catalog

screenshot of an item listed in the catalog

If the item is located at the LDRF, sign in to submit a request for Delivery.

screenshot of a book listed in the catalog

Step 2

Our staff will pull the item from the shelf, and deliver it to the location you specified.

photo of LDRF staff pulling items from the shelf

Step 3

When you are notified your item is ready, go to your delivery location to check out your materials

Photo of a student checking out a book at an ASKus service desk.